Question by Candace, Marketing & PR Leader
asked on 2019-06-27

Kristen, I think there are a lot of good ways to have a better experience this time around! Are you able to identify when you start to feel anxious or an attack is coming on? That's a good chance to take a beat and let your employer know you need to step away for a minute. I don't think anyone would look down on that in a candidate. This is an area where disclosing might give you a little more control. If there are certain things about the interview process that make an anxiety attack more likely, such as talking to 5 people at once, you could request that they keep it to 2 people at a time. That's totally reasonable. If you'd rather not disclose (or even if you do), I think talking to a therapist or even a career coach could be really helpful here, even if only for a session or two. That's given me so much more courage in my career. You can do this! I'm sorry the last experience has created so much fear, but you are strong and you can build a career you love.