Question by Rachel, Employer Relations Lead
asked on 2019-08-07

I was recently promoted into a new role at the company where I've worked for almost 3 years. This role is VERY different from anything I've done before (at this company or elsewhere) and while I am grateful to my employers for affording me the opportunity to explore this new function, I feel 100% inadequate and like I'm constantly on the verge of massive failure. Suffice it to say that management at this company is VERY (dare I say "too") hands-off, and I receive very little feedback about my performance or growth in the role. How can I go about reducing my Imposer Syndrome and increasing my efficacy in this role? I've thought about working with an Exec Coach, but just don't even really know if that's what I need. To make matters worse, I also received SUPER harsh/critical feedback within ONE week of our Exec team announcing my promotion! Apparently, after the announcement, a few folks came forward to provide "consistent feedback" that I am 'not a team player' and that I'm 'unreliable'. I was devastated upon hearing this from our Exec (and HR) teams, and spent the better part of a 3-day weekend crying over the situation. Help, please! : )