Question by Archana, Co-Founder
asked on 2021-02-22

Q1: How do you stay motivated and gritty when it feels like everyone else your age is progressing in their careers and you feel like you're not moving forward? Q2: Also, how do you become passionate about something that will help you create a great career but you just don't always feel motivated enough to pursue it every day and doubt whether you chose the right path? Q3: Also, how do you build self-confidence and not care about others' opinions? How do you prevent others' opinions and actions from degrading your views of yourself, especially when you already feel inferior to them? Q4: Are there any resources that you recommend for us to become grittier and more motivated, especially during times of personal and emotional setbacks? I tend to feel sad and worry a lot about the past and future as part of my anxiety disorder, and it often gets in the way of me focusing and getting work done. It's been a constant battle for a long time, and I would really like to punch anxiety in the face with grit. How do I do that?