Full Time
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Job Type

Full Time

Job Details

Job Description
  1. Smooth development of items for local supply
  2. Identify feasible and cost effective methods for product development
  3. Provide on time estimates with the best production capability
  4. Initiate product re-engineering to be ahead of competition
  5. Initiate and drive improvement of speed of developments through the ELS approach
  6. Circulation of RBO updates among internal departments
  7. Counter sample approvals
  8. Develop new products and customers
  9. Resolve customer queries with related to product development
  10. Assist in the pricing of products


This position exists in the commercial department and requires individual with a high degree of dynamism and initiative with the right approach for effective inter-department liaison, and with excellent command of English and Sinhala languages. A good knowledge of the industry also required. This position requires a detailed understanding of the technology, strategies, activities, status and goals of the company.

Also needs to work in a customer account based environment and be capable of independently corresponding with the customers and other Avery Dennison sites overseas in relation to product development and marketing related activities.

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Executive GPD
I'm Interested