Question by Jess, Administrative Coordinator
asked on 2023-02-20

I left an extremely toxic, traumatic work environment over 5 years ago and have been slowly rediscovering myself and my voice in the work place since. I had made great improvements until I was triggered by a similar event in what is now my most recent role. It sent me into a severe depressive episode, and I took my 12 weeks of FMLA but was unable to return to work after. My last two positions were steps backward in regards to job title and my career trajectory, but it was COVID and I felt the need to get back on the front lines of healthcare in whatever small way I could. With all that being said, I just recently completed LaunchCode's 45-week Java/JavaScript Web Development coding bootcamp, and I'm looking for my next role. I am very interested in implementation/project coordination type roles that will allow me to work with a variety of different people, but I'm not getting any responses for positions I've applied. I would love to hear some thoughts on how to convey more confidence in my resume and profile.