Diversity reboot 2022
Elinor Ruth
Elinor Ruth Tatum
Summit Speaker
Publisher and Editor in Chief, New York Amsterdam News
Location: United States

Elinor Tatum is the Publisher and Editor in Chief of the New York Amsterdam News, the oldest and largest black newspaper in the City of New York, and one of the oldest ethnic papers in the United States. Ms. Tatum was appointed to Editor In Chief in 1997, becoming one of the youngest publishers in the history of the black press. She began at the newspaper as a journalist, covering issues local and national issues affecting Harlem and the black community. In addition to publishing the Amsterdam News, Ms. Tatum produces and co-hosts a weekly segment of Al Sharpton’s Weekly Radio Show “Keep’in It Real” – a nationally syndicated talk show. In addition to her career in journalism, Ms. Tatum is a philanthropist and holds many civic positions. She is currently, a member of the Board of Trustees of her college alma mater, St. Lawrence University. In addition she sits on the board of the New York Urban League, the Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem, the Chinatown YMCA, Manhattan Community Board 3, and the Creative Visions Foundation. She is also the former Secretary of the National Newspaper Publishers Association.