Fostering Authenticity Through Psychological Safety

Diana Meyer
Diana Meyer
Fostering Authenticity Through Psychological Safety

Bringing your authentic self to work is easier said than done. According to Diana Meyer, Chief of Staff at SoftwareONE, a workplace requires psychological safety for individuals to feel free enough to be themselves and do their best work.

So, what does a psychologically safe workplace...

Bringing your authentic self to work is easier said than done. According to Diana Meyer, Chief of Staff at SoftwareONE, a workplace requires psychological safety for individuals to feel free enough to be themselves and do their best work.

So, what does a psychologically safe workplace look like? How can one tell if a workplace culture encourages this (or if it does not)? Who’s responsible for creating this environment? Most importantly, how can you make a difference?

These are just some of the questions Diana will be joining us to discuss at our Chat & Learn.

In this event, you’ll also learn:

  • What psychological safety means and how you can help build a psychologically safe culture.
  • Leadership responsibility to psychological safety.
  • How to ignite the shift to a psychologically safe work environment.
  • How to bring your true self to work and how you’ll benefit from doing so.
  • How to identify your value and strategies to self-advocate.
  • Communication strategies to address current workplace culture (the good and the not so good)

Meet The Speaker

Diana Meyer
Diana Meyer
Chief of Staff, SoftwareONE

As the Chief of Staff for SoftwareONE, Diana directly reports to the President of the North American Region, who is also an Executive Board Member for the global company.

She works closely with the Regional Leadership Team who are responsible for territories in Canada, the U.S., Costa Rica, and part of Mexico.

Her focus is to guide leaders and their teams through transformative change while focusing on accelerating the growth and health of the business by provide cohesivity, strategy, transparency, collaboration, and communication.

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