Addressing 'Readability Issues'

Faith Wallace
Faith Wallace
Addressing 'Readability Issues'

Did you know that the average reading level of adults living in the United States is between 7th and 8th grade, middle school level? This...

Did you know that the average reading level of adults living in the United States is between 7th and 8th grade, middle school level? This drastically lowers when it comes to technical content - people just can't comprehend the unfamiliar technical vocabulary, complex sentence structure, and buzzwords that have no context to them.

In this Lunch & Learn, self-taught developer and former college professor, Faith Wallace will be addressing how we can adjust our copy to meet the needs of our audience while upping our own literacy game. Join us!

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Meet The Speaker

Faith Wallace
Faith Wallace
Web Developer. Professor. Writer. Hogwarts Student. Doctor Who Companion.

Dr. Faith Wallace is a front-end developer and former college professor with 10 years of experience teaching teachers how to teach and students how to learn. She leveraged her background in education for a new career as a developer. Faith, however, never left education and applies what she knows about education to help people learning to code.