Diversity reboot 2022
Helen Sanchez
Summit Speaker
Founder at Tanagui LLC
Location: United States

With over twenty years of experience in recruiting and career guidance, Helen’s journey has been dedicated to helping people navigate their career paths. This led her to found Tanagui, LLC, a career consultancy with a focus on supporting women over 40.

Helen’s work is rooted in the fact that people over 40 have significant contributions to make, even though they often face diminished value in the workplace. As longevity increases, people need to identify their passions as they break through the barriers of age discrimination and as companies understand the high value of multi-generational symbiotic relationships. By teaching a course on building a legacy season, speaking at events, participating in podcasts, and writing articles. she addresses these challenges and advocate for change.

Her academic background includes dual Bachelor's degrees in Women's and Gender Studies and African American Studies. Helen is a proud member of Phi Beta Kappa Society and the Honor Society in Women & Gender Studies. She is also a graduate of the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and a certified coach.