Pride All Year Long: Writer in Progress: How to Get Your First Book Published

Rhys Tirado
Rhys Tirado
Pride All Year Long: Writer in Progress: How to Get Your First Book Published

There’s a huge misconception that you have to have a degree in English or creative writing to become published.

PowerToFly’s Rhys Tirado is here to tell you that’s simply not true!

Rhys is a Full Stack Developer and published author of '

There’s a huge misconception that you have to have a degree in English or creative writing to become published.

PowerToFly’s Rhys Tirado is here to tell you that’s simply not true!

Rhys is a Full Stack Developer and published author of 'Burn Down, Rise Up'. They’ll be joining us to share their journey scoring their first book deal. If you’re an aspiring author, you don’t want to miss this chat as we talk about:

  • What the publishing process looks like
  • Tips on how to get an agent and navigate the first steps of publishing
  • Key lessons on book writing and editing

Meet The Speaker

Rhys Tirado
Rhys Tirado
Full Stack Developer, PowerToFly

Rhys Tirado is a nonbinary Afro-Latine Bronx native.

Aside from coding, they enjoy writing horror/spec fic stories and have been published in Desert Rose Lit Mag, FIYAH Magazine, and have just released their debut novel Burn Down, Rise Up.

When they're not coding or writing, they're usually prepping for a comic convention and sewing cosplay.