We’ve all been there: you’ve found the perfect job opening or perhaps just the perfect company, but you’re drawing a blank as to how to ask for an introduction or that elusive insider information. We are here to help with six customizable templates for various job search messages you may need...
We’ve all been there: you’ve found the perfect job opening or perhaps just the perfect company, but you’re drawing a blank as to how to ask for an introduction or that elusive insider information. We are here to help with six customizable templates for various job search messages you may need to write. From an important introduction, to a follow up with a hiring manager, these templates are here to take the guesswork out of what to write.
Kelly's extensive experience in global technology recruitment and career coaching combined with Jill’s expertise as not only a hiring manager but an exceptional educator makes for a powerhouse of solutions. Both Jill and Kelly have worked with individuals and teams alike to improving their experience one at a time. Here they will offer personalized answers to your questions and help you move forward through the job search process.
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