3 Steps to Career Transition Success: How to Change Your Career and Get Hired to the Job You Love

Linda Mata
Ekua Cant
Linda Mata, Ekua Cant
3 Steps to Career Transition Success: How to Change Your Career and Get Hired to the Job You Love

I often speak with clients that are convinced that their career experience isn’t relevant for a different kind of job or in a new career. That is a BIG misconception that your, “old career experience” will not be helpful or is just dead weight as you look to reposition yourself for a new...

I often speak with clients that are convinced that their career experience isn’t relevant for a different kind of job or in a new career. That is a BIG misconception that your, “old career experience” will not be helpful or is just dead weight as you look to reposition yourself for a new career. It is helpful, but it’s HOW you pitch it, to demonstrate the value that it adds to your new job or career direction. The keys to your success are your mindset, belief in your abilities, and your attitude to continual learning. You already have a lot to offer in your next job or new career. I encourage you to be visible as you transition to your new job or career and take the opportunity to join online professional networks and events. Talking about yourself positively and building your professional network will help attract new career opportunities and supporters. At this chat, I’ll give my 3 top tips for career transition success.

In this chat and learn, you’ll get:

Advice on how to pitch your “old career experience” and talk powerfully about your transferable skills

Advice on why you MUST not shy away from owning your past career successes

Tips on believing in yourself and why this matters for your career transition success

How to use LinkedIn to your advantage and tips to dial up your professional visibility on social media

Meet The Speakers

Linda Mata
Linda Mata
Founder, Fashion Minimalist

Throughout my 10-years of experience, I had the honor to impact and transform a wide variety of communities from the maritime field, fashion eCommerce, SaaS, and professional growth industry. The community range taught me methods and efficient strategies, to engage, educate and empower the community members. As an entrepreneur, fashion minimalist, and remote veteran, I‘ve been exposed to a variety of cultures, which made my communication and management skills exceptional. My work spans from skills growth coaching, hosting online events, author of eBooks, Udemy instructor, coordinator of enterprise exhibitions, to facilitate workshops and art-directions for shoestring eCommerce startups. Folks additionally know me as the "I adapt quickly to fast-paced working environments, take responsibility, and get things done", person.

Ekua Cant
Ekua Cant
Career Transitions Coach

Ekua Cant is a career transitions coach, author, entrepreneur, and Tech London Advocate on the Committee of Tech London Advocates Black Women in Tech. She leads a 90 days career transitions coaching program called the Career Transitions Launchpad that helps ambitious mid-life women to reignite their careers and confidently change to careers that they love. You can connect with her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ekuacant/

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