Diversity Reboot Summit

Engineering is continually changing as we work remotely: How we are bringing together our designers, PMs, data scientists and developers together to inclusively collaborate when we are worlds apart.

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Engineering is continually changing as we work remotely: How we are bringing together our designers, PMs, data scientists and developers together to inclusively collaborate when we are worlds apart.
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In CSE, our team works closely with global customers to address their biggest dilemmas or advance their technologies. Our charter to innovate solutions with our customers creates many opportunities to foster inclusivity in collaborating across disciplines, thinking styles and cultural attributes. This poses challenges in how we work, too. I’ll share our approach by first, ensuring (e.g., our customer’s team and ours) we are representing the people using the solutions we build. Second, in planning the journey, making sure we leave enough space for everyone and every discipline to contribute their ideas. It’s not about having the entire journey designed but the endgame in mind with an openness to the possibilities for learning along the way. Finally, not being overly committed to a certain idea of what the outcome will be, instead being open for moments of surprise and shifts in what you are creating to accomplish great innovation.

Meet The Speaker

Tracey Trewin
Tracey Trewin
General Manager, Microsoft

Tracey Trewin is a self-proclaimed geek and a successful General Manager of the Microsoft CSE team. She helped build the team charter to rebuild Microsoft’s relationship with developers by connecting with them on the issues that matter to them in a way that meets them where they are. The CSE developers are inspired to get up in the morning to help other developers succeed. She finds empowering people to solve problems is what motivates her the most.