If your default mode is to overthink, determined to make things complicated, and effort your way into happiness and success (I did this for years), listen carefully—life can be different. It can be joyful.
I believe with all my heart that the Spiritual Path can be sprinkled with fun....
If your default mode is to overthink, determined to make things complicated, and effort your way into happiness and success (I did this for years), listen carefully—life can be different. It can be joyful.
I believe with all my heart that the Spiritual Path can be sprinkled with fun. We can skip our way to joy. We can giggle with delight. We can marvel at our own magnificence. We can let it be easier than we’ve been making it out to be.
During this powerful chat, you’ll learn
Michele Sammons is an inspirational author, spiritual teacher, and highly-attuned guide who works with clients worldwide helping them transform their lives through divine guidance. As an empath and intuitive, Michele’s light-hearted, joyful approach embraces her clients right where they are on their spiritual path and gently guides them to personal clarity and understanding.