Diversity reboot

Senior Technical Account Manager at Cribl
Chris Rogers is a Senior Technical Account Manager at Cribl, a software company that enables open observability and defies data gravity, giving their customers radical levels of choice and control over their data. Previously, Chris held the position of Leader, Customer Delivery at Cisco where he was in charge of US Support for Thousandeyes and a senior technical lead for the ThousandEyes Mexico City team. Prior to this, Chris also worked as an internal tools developer at Apple. He served from 2004-2006 in the USAFR at Barksdale AFB, LA and from 2006-2010 with the U.S. Army at Ft. Stewart/Hunter AAF, GA. Chris was deployed from 2007-2008 with OIF V as part of the Iraq War Troop Surge of 2007. Chris graduated from CSU-Sacramento with a B.S. in Computer Science and minor in Mathematics.