The Remote & Hybrid Office
Ethical AI and Why It Matters with Dr. Frida Polli, Chief Data Science Officer, Harver
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While it may seem that AI is just now emerging with the likes of ChatGPT and similar platforms, in reality, it’s already here. According to Business News Daily, 60 percent of global 2000 businesses deploy AI and machine learning tools to support the entire employee life cycle experience. Knowing this, how can we use AI responsibly? For this conversation PowerToFly co-founder Katharine Zaleski will be joined by AI ethicist and Chief Data Science Officer of Harver Dr. Frida Polli to share her thoughts on the ever changing AI solution, its effects on DEIB and the workplace and to hear about the latest at Harver, a suite of automated solutions that optimize talent decisions for some of the world’s leading organizations.
Meet the Speakers
First-time CEO passionate about revolutionizing access to economic opportunity through unbiased tech. Avid technophile who believes audited AI can act like CRISPR: retaining all the wisdom of humans while stripping out ineradicable bias. Impatient optimist. Over-committed mother of three (four if you count pymetrics).
About Diversity Reboot Summit
The office we knew just three years ago looks remarkably different today. From Zoom meetings to ChatGPT, we’re all dealing with unexplored challenges.The questions facing business leaders are many from how to build an inclusive company culture in an increasingly remote environment to how to leverage advancing technologies while still guaranteeing development opportunities for their workforces.On the talent side, following “The Great Resignation”, many professionals are re-assessing what they value from a job: flexibility, work-life balance, diversity policies, and more. All while navigating through global economic uncertainty.At PowerToFly's The Future of Work virtual summit, part of the Diversity Reboot series, we are bringing together a diverse set of subject matter experts to discuss what's next for both businesses and professionals that make them up in this ever-changing world.Join us for fireside chats, workshops, networking opportunities, and for the unveiling of PowerToFly'd all-new DEIB solutions suite!This summit will conclude with a free virtual job fair featuring companies hiring for remote and hybrid roles around the world.Summit topics will include:
- ChatGPT, AI and the Impact on the Workplace
- Silicon Valley Bank’s Collapse and How Will It Affect Future Tech Startup Funding
- Living And Working Abroad In A Post-Pandemic World
- How to Tackle Hybrid Working
- The Neurodiverse Experience In A Remote Setting & How Companies Can Improve
- And much more!
Featured speakers will include:
- Alex Kogan, CTO, HiOperator
- Judith Erwin, Former CEO, Grasshopper Bank
- Liam Martin, CoFounder, Time Doctor and Co-Author, Running Remote
- Nadia Harris, Founder,
- Amy Kim, President & CRO, PowerToFly
- Amber Kirbos, VP of Product, PowerToFly
- Shane Metcalf, Founder, 15five
- Madhu Sudha, Communications & Marketing Manager, Mom Relaunch
- And many more!