Going Back to the Drawing Board: How to Navigate Major Career Shifts
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There probably aren’t very many people who are both lawyers and doctors, so Dr. Adam Harrison is on a short list. After qualifying as a doctor in the UK in 2000, he made a major shift and pursued law, passing the bar in 2014. Now, he is a certified life, leadership, and executive coach. Join him in this talk to hear advice from someone who has been there, done that, and has tools to help you on your way.
Meet the Speakers
I'm a physician, lawyer and leadership coach who, as a result of my personal experiences, specialises in confidence and mindset coaching for physicians and other professionals who have been on the receiving end of workplace bullying. As a former medical director, I also work with medical leaders on developing kind leadership cultures based on the compassionate, servant and inclusive leadership model paradigms. The underpinning philosophy to both my workplace bullying and replacing toxic cultures with kind leadership work, is mental and physical wellbeing, so I do a lot of work in that arena too. I strongly believe in doing work aligned with my core values (honesty, justice, gratitude, love and humour) and I believe that shines through in my work. It is extremely important to me that I provide value to my clients. I am a fan of social media, hanging out on LinkedIn (as 'Dr Adam Harrison'), Facebook, Twitter, YouTube (I have my own channel for which I create content) and Clubhouse, where I have co-founded a club. I am also a budding podcaster (by mid-2022 hopefully) and future author of a book on how those who have experienced workplace bullying can change their mindset and restore and reinforce their confidence so they can stop dreading and start enjoying and thriving at work. Most importantly though, I am husband to an incredible female surgeon and father to two amazing girls who changed my career trajectory to help me better work towards achieving that often elusive work-life balance.
Hunter Canning is a New York based actor, puppeteer, producer and photographer. A conscience citizen of the world, his ethos is bringing people together through all the facets of his life. Be it producing live performance downtown, creating corporate recruitment content or photographing portraiture, red carpets and live events; Hunter has a passion for bringing people together to foster growth, kindness and a true understanding of each other.
Raised in the outer canyons of Los Angeles, Hunter has been a professional actor in New York for the past decade. Notable credits include Broadway’s War Horse (Lincoln Center), Blue Bloods (CBS), The Baker & The Beauty (ABC) and Ray Donovan (Showtime). A career that has seen dizzying heights, all the while remaining with his two feet on the ground.
It is with great pleasure that Hunter joins the Power To Fly community to host and mediate its forums. He looks forward to meeting you all and connecting you with the amazing team of professionals they have brought together.
Find Hunter at huntercanning.com or huntercanningphoto.com and on Instagram and LinkedIn @huntercanningAbout Diversity Reboot Summit
Whether you're launching your career or revamping it, don't miss this free opportunity to connect with companies looking for interns, entry-level professionals, career pivoters, and individuals returning to work. The Early Career Connections & Mid-Career Pivots Summit is the perfect opportunity to network with your peers, ask professionals about their transition to the working world and new roles, and most importantly, connect directly with companies! Are you wondering…
- how to showcase your coursework on your resume?
- how to highlight the experience you've cultivated as a caregiver?
- how the skills from your current role transfer to a new industry or position?
- what kind of internships to pursue to land your dream role after graduation?
- how to land an internship without any experience?
- what to wear to your (in-person or virtual) interview?
- how to know if a career change is right for you?
- how to navigate the ins and outs of returnships
- how to battle ageism in the workplace
If you said yes to any of the above, this summit is perfect for you. Sign up and connect directly with recruiters, hiring managers, and experts who want to help you find your next role!
Speakers from our 2021 “Early Career Connects & Mid-Career Pivots” summit included Liane Hornsey, EVP & Chief People Officer of Palo Alto Networks; Ann Hiatt, Leadership Strategist & Author; Tami Forman, Executive Director of Path Forward; Tracy Timm, Founder & CEO at Thrivist; Christina Coraglio, Senior Manager, Product Development & Strategy at HelloFresh; Heather Miller, Founder of GrasshoppHer; Helen Sanchez, Career Consultant & Ageism Strategist; Carol Fishman Cohen, CEO and Co-Founder of iRelaunch, and many more.