Career Connections 2024: Where Talent Meets Opportunity
RECORDING: TransCanWork-Empower, Educate, Elevate: Creating Impactful Change for TGI Individuals in the Workforce
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Join us for 'TransCanWork: Empower, Educate, Elevate'—an inspiring workshop dedicated to fostering transformative change for Trans and Gender-Inclusive (TGI) individuals in the workforce. In this engaging event, we'll delve into who we are at TransCanWork and our mission to create a more inclusive, equitable, and empowered workplace environment. Discover the resources, training programs, and job opportunities we offer to support TGI job seekers on their career journeys. From resume workshops to career fairs, we'll share valuable insights and practical guidance to help you thrive in your professional life. Learn about your rights in the workplace and gain the knowledge and tools needed to advocate for yourself effectively. This workshop is a platform for empowerment, education, and elevation, where you can connect with a community dedicated to creating impactful change. Join us and be part of the movement towards a more inclusive and diverse workforce.
Meet the Speakers
Jovan Wolf is an innovative and passionate advocate for the TGI community, seamlessly blending roles as a fashion designer, herbalist, and Director of Workplace Equality at Trans Can Work. With unwavering dedication, Jovan rallies their efforts to foster TGI inclusivity in workplaces, empowering employers to be more supportive and providing essential opportunities for job seekers to thrive. Drawing from a multi-racial, Black and Filipino background, Jovan identifies as Trans and Gender Non-Conforming, utilizing their passion for art, advocacy, and media to uplift the TGI community. Their impactful contributions extend beyond their current role, including their service on the board of Gender Justice Los Angeles and their insightful perspectives shared in the esteemed 75th anniversary edition of the Society for Human Resource Management magazine. Through art, advocacy, and tireless efforts, Jovan serves as a catalyst for impactful change, illuminating the path towards a more inclusive and equitable future for the TGI community and beyond.
Martha P. Gomez (she/they) has worked with the LGBTQ+ community for over 25 years. As a Non Binary person, Martha continues their work in educating others about Transgender identities beyond the binary. Martha spent most of her early career working with children but has always focused on creating programming for gender equality. Since joining Trans Can Work, they have been able to work toward economic empowerment in the TGI (Trans, gender non conforming, non binary, intersex) community, thus continuing to advocate for her community.
About Diversity Reboot Summit
Whether you’re starting out, changing fields, returning from a break, or advancing your career, gain insights from leaders and connect with hiring companies.