Celebrating Global Asian and Pacific Islander Identities
Uncovering the Authentic Self as an Asian Public Figure
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It’s hard enough to know who you are when the world projects racial stereotypes onto you—it’s even harder when you’re in the public eye. Christina Chong, Chinese English actress from Black Mirror and the new Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, has spent years discovering her authentic self while in the spotlight. In this talk, she’ll share how, from humble beginnings, she has dealt with rejection and career setbacks to build a career that reflects who she truly is, and how you can do the same.
Tags: career authenticity, career development
Meet the Speakers
About Diversity Reboot Summit
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, hate crimes against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) in the US have risen dramatically, with similar worrying trends in Canada, the UK, and New Zealand. This has sparked a worldwide conversation about the long history of racism and discrimination directed at Asians, Pacific Islanders, and the Asian diaspora. Despite these experiences, this resilient community continues to thrive, and PowerToFly is honored to provide a platform to highlight the achievements and excellence of our Asian and Pacific Islander community members around the world.
Join us for a series of interactive talks and conversations as we share how to break what author and strategist Jane Hyun calls the "bamboo ceiling,"; discuss the detrimental model minority theory; learn lesser-known API history; discuss how the pandemic has affected opportunities in India and throughout the Asian continent; and explore ways to uplift and celebrate our Asian and Pacific Islander leaders in our workplaces and communities.
For additional resources on this subject, please download this Executive Forum report.