PowerToFly: Your partner in achieving DEIB goals

Foster a culture of true inclusion and belonging at your company. Leverage our DEIB strategy and training solutions to create a workplace where each individual can thrive.

Cartoon image of a diverse group of happy coworkers

DEIB Corporate training 

Strengthen employee knowledge of different DEIB topics, encourage team connection, and build confidence around supporting others with different identities and backgrounds.

✔️ Interactive, classroom-style sessions that further participant knowledge and awareness around a DEIB theme.

✔️ Topics include mitigating bias, active allyship, building a culture of belonging, inclusive leadership, and inclusive hiring.

✔️ Led by a DEIB expert.

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diversity at work
diverse workplace

DEIB strategy & consultation 

Identify challenges around DEIB while getting data-driven solutions through a holistic, three-year strategy that works in tandem with your organization's existing initiatives.

✔️ Develop and integrate strategies for DEIB initiatives.

✔️ Audit your current practices and hold conversations with employees at multiple tiers.

✔️ Build a data-driven, long-term approach to addressing current gaps

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Boost your team's performance with diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging

✔️ More than 50% of employees want their workplace to do more to increase diversity.

✔️ Diverse teams make better decisions 87% of the time.

✔️ Inclusive companies have 2.3x more cash flow per employee.

✔️ Inclusive companies are 1.7x more likely to be innovative.

✔️ Companies with higher-than-average diversity had 19% higher innovation rates.

✔️ Cultures of belonging are linked to a whopping 56% increase in job performance.

*HR Research Institute survey

Train your team

Our team of DEIB experts

Dedicated DEIB experts with lived experience and professional expertise across DEIB topics. We come from various backgrounds, including HR, people operations, psychology, and change management.

We effectively incorporate cultural nuances and differences to inform our global, holistic approach across everything we do. We are passionate about educating others and empowering them with the knowledge needed to fully support inclusive workplaces and cultivate a more profound sense of belonging.

Let's chat about how we can help you reach your diversity & inclusion goals

Every PowerToFly customer has their own unique needs. Our team is on hand to prepare a customized package for your company's diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging goals.