An effective veteran recruitment program must not only utilize strategies and comprehensive plans that address culture, change management, recruitment, hiring, and retention — it must also be valued by management in order to get the organizational support and budget that are crucial to its success. In this session with Lisa Rosser, the founder and CEO of Value of a Veteran, you’ll walk away with a clear business case for how veterans can solve the four biggest talent challenges facing companies today in order to obtain management support for a program at your company.
Bridget FinkeldeyLisa Rosser is a human resource professional and a military veteran who spent 22 years in the active Army and the Army Reserve and 8 years working as a management consultant with Accenture. In 2007, when the veteran unemployment rate was 23%, she combined these backgrounds and founded a training and consulting firm called “The Value Of a Veteran” which has a mission to help organizations build or improve veteran recruiting and retention initiatives. Over the last 15 years, through training, consultation and change management practices, she has helped more than 450 large companies build comprehensive, effective and award-winning veteran recruiting and retention programs frequently found on ranked lists such as VIQTORY’s “Military Friendly®Companies” and Military Times’ “Best For Vets: Employers”.