Diversity reboot

Angel G. Henry is a Ceiling Breaker! She has over 20 years of tech muscle, most of which came from the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry. The catalyst for her company AngelsSpeaking was to ensure that women and persons from underrepresented populations feel included at work. Validating negative work experiences, providing a playbook for emerging leaders, and guiding allies into active allyship has become her passion. Angel was recently awarded the 2022 Book Excellence 1st Place Award for her very first book, Dents in the Ceiling: Tools Women and Allies Need to Breakthrough. When Angel isn’t speaking, leading an Agile Transformation for over 700+ consultants globally, or adjunct teaching at Ivy Tech, she is on the Northwest side of Indianapolis, IN with her husband, track-star daughter, her son, a “won’t-sit-still kindergartener”, and house-breaking Sawyer Jackson Henry- the family’s crazy CavaPoo.