If you’re wondering if DEIB principles even apply to a hierarchical organization like the military, the answer is yes! In fact, they strengthen the military’s ability to be prepared, agile, and able to complete missions that keep us all safer. Join Alleria Stanley, Active Duty United States Army Servicemember, as she shares her experiences as a woman and member of the LGBTQIA+ community within the military, how the military is increasingly turning toward DEIB practices, and how equity will play into the military of the future.
Bridget FinkeldeyAlleria Stanley is a 19-year active duty United States Army servicemember, advocate and member of the LGBTQ+ community, and a motivational speaker.
As a proud mother of five, she has faced many challenges in her life. During her military service, she had to relocate many times with and without her family. She also has taken the role of caregiver and widow, as her wife fought an ultimately losing battle with aggressive breast cancer.
As she transitions between various stages in her life, she recognizes how much the LGBTQ+ community has to offer the world in their transitions. Fundamentally, she believes that the world is more alike than different and how that is critically important to understanding one another.
Alleria looks forward to the days when society will achieve equity, equality, and access for all. Until then, she is continuously committed to ensuring that all challenges can be achieved together, one step and one day at a time.