Diversity reboot

Jordan Freking (He/Him)
Jordan Freking (He/Him)
Summit Speaker

Operational Improvement Analyst at Expedia Group

Jordan Freking is originally from Iowa, went to college in Massachusetts, and has been living in different parts of Mexico for the last 11 years. He has a degree in American Studies with a specialization in Critical & Cultural Theory and a minor in Latina/o studies. This, in conjunction with his very intersectional existence, has made him very passionate about all things inclusion and diversity. To add to this, after having worked at a language center, it became apparent to him that he was a language person, and as such, he really enjoys thinking about the intersection of culture, language, and identity. While helping hoteliers with their problems, Jordan began to take advantage of all of the I&D resources Expedia had to offer. Somewhere along his never-ending quest for more and more information on these topics, he fell into the world of AIM (Ability Inclusion Movement), one of Expedia’s Inclusion Business Groups. In hindsight, it was inevitable that a person like Jordan, who is neurodiverse a couple of times over, end up associated with AIM. Currently, Jordan is an Operation Improvement Analyst on the conventional lodging side of Expedia in the Americas. In other words, he gets to think about how to make operational processes more efficient, but just because he is busy as an OIA, that doesn’t mean he has put inclusion and diversity on the backburner. He is the AIM Chapter Lead for AIM LATAM. He is the VP for the LATAM I&D Council. He is an Ally Skills Workshop Facilitator, and in his spare time, he’s studying cello and French, his sixth language. At present, Jordan has figured out how to make his neurodiversity work for him, and he hopes that all neurodivergent people out there can eventually do the same.