Diversity reboot

Author, Founder & CEO, Move The Crowd, Co-CEO & Founder, nFormation
Rha Goddess is the entrepreneurial soul coach behind hundreds of breakthrough changemakers, cultural visionaries and social entrepreneurs, from New York Times bestsellers to multi-million dollar social enterprises. As CEO of Move The Crowd, Rha is galvanizing a movement of three million entrepreneurs dedicated to re-imagining “work” as a vehicle for creative expression, financial freedom and societal transformation. She’s passionate about creating a “whole self” approach to entrepreneurship, and her unique methodology has empowered a new generation of conscious entrepreneurs to stay true, get paid, and do good.
IG: @rhagoddess LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/rhagoddess
IG: @n2formationLinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/n2formationSee more of Rha's work, here.