Diversity reboot

Founder & CEO, Jewels Advancing, Nurturing & Empowering, Inc. (JANE)
Samantha Wilson Jones is the Founder & CEO of Jewels Advancing, Nurturing & Empowering, Inc. (JANE), a non-profit organization created in 2010. JANE’s mission is to increase representation of Black and brown people at all organizational levels in academic institutions and corporations. Samantha’s leadership and ability to inspire has propelled JANE from offering ad hoc mentoring to a few individuals, to providing professional mentoring on a national scale to students in secondary and post-secondary educational programs through early in career professionals. JANE also provides consulting services to academic institutions, nonprofit and corporate boards, and global corporations. Formally trained as a corporate lawyer, Samantha brings more than 20 years of experience as a business leader and strategic advisor to her work with JANE’s students, young professionals, and institutional partners. Her passion for and commitment to institutional equity has served as a major influence throughout her career, with her legal counsel consistently grounded in both the law and social justice. Her community engagement and leadership also include service as President of the Board of Trustees of KIPP Philadelphia Public Schools. Samantha received her J.D. and LL.M. in Health Law from Widener University School of Law, and dual bachelor’s degrees in international Area Studies and Political Science from Drexel University, as well as an Executive M.B.A. from Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business. Above all else, Samantha is a devoted wife and mother.