Diversity reboot

Steven Ngo
Steven Ngo
Summit Speaker

Counsel at Rivian

Steven Ngo is a corporate / technology lawyer and currently works as counsel at Rivian. He is the Advocacy Chair of the Vietnamese Professionals Association BC (https://vpabc.ca) and is the Vice President of the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers BC (https://faclbc.ca). Steven is leading a movement called Fix Police Reporting that is focused on removing barriers to reporting hate crimes to the police (http://fixpolicereporting.ca). He has featured widely throughout national and international media including The Guardian, The Globe and Mail, CBC and various language-specific outlets for the Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Japanese and South Asian communities. Because of Steven's relentless efforts, the Vancouver Police Department has now expanded its online hate crimes reporting forms to be available in 14 different languages and has also translated its website into over 100 languages. Steven has not stopped there. He is working to help make the reporting of hate crimes more accessible in cities across Canada and the United States. In this talk, Steven will share his own story of being a victim of hate crime and why we need to provide a way to report hate crimes online in English and in multiple languages. Learn more about his work at http://fixpolicereporting.ca and on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/ngosteven.