7Park Data Acquired By Vista Equity Partners

7Park Data Acquired By Vista Equity Partners

Below is an article originally written by PowerToFly Partner 7Park Data, and published on December 11, 2018. Go to 7Park Data's page on PowerToFly to see their open positions and learn more.

We're thrilled to announce that 7Park Data has been acquired by Vista Equity Partners

This achievement could not have been realized without the remarkable efforts of our dedicated team, the trust of our partners, the belief of our investors, and the support of our deeply valued clients.

We founded 7Park six years ago with the goal of delivering tremendous value to data owners, by transforming their raw data into analytics-ready assets, and data consumers, by providing critical insight needed to make better decisions.

Today, extracting value from raw data is a challenge faced by every company in every industry globally. Our partnership with Vista will enable us to help companies execute their critical data initiatives on a much larger scale – by opening new markets, developing new products, and accelerating investments in our team and technology. As we scale, we will maintain our relentless focus on delivering value to our clients and partners.

We are energized by our opportunity ahead and look forward to realizing our markedly bigger vision for the next phase for 7Park.

Lastly, we're incredibly fortunate for the success we have had to date. Thank you to all who supported us through this journey – onwards!

-Alex and Brian, Founders

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