If you want to develop your career at Expedia Group, we have some valuable information! Watch the video to the end to get some tips and tricks on how to do your best through the interview process.
A career at Expedia Group can begin sooner than you think. Kim Williams, talent advisor at Expedia Group, shares everything you need to know to succeed in the recruiting process!
First step in your career at Expedia Group: ask the right questions. While some questions may come to mind as you progress through conversations with interviewers, it's always best to prepare some beforehand. By asking the right questions, you demonstrate that you're interested in a role's short-term and long-term aspects.
Your career at Expedia Group requires some deep diving. Before the interview process, there are three main places to check for more information. The first place is going to be the company pages. Take a moment to review the careers page, culture page, benefits page, and any blogs they may have created. The company's social media profiles will be the next place you'll want to check. As long as you've done your due diligence in learning more about the company before you step into the interview, you'll have a more holistic view of how it presents itself. Then, you'll be able to connect the dots between yourself and this company.
A cross-collaborative career at Expedia Group
Expedia promotes cross-collaboration between employees and departments in several ways. One key way is through its mentorship program. Anyone can sign up to be a mentor or mentee, regardless of role or level. It is an excellent opportunity to learn skills and ideas from other departments and functions. It's also a way to share your skills and ideas with people in other positions. Another way to cross-collaborate is through the gigs program. Gigs are short-term assignments in which you may be helping another team with a project or filling a need that another group has.
Are you interested in joining Expedia Group? They have open positions! To learn more, click here.
Get to Know Kim Williams
If you are interested in a career at Expedia Group, you can connect with Kim on LinkedIn. Don’t forget to mention this video!
More About Expedia Group
At Expedia Group, they are travelers and technologists. They work across time zones, hemispheres, cultures, and languages. They’re used to breaking things down and building them back up again until they’re even better. They know travel can be hard, but they also know that it’s worth it every time. And because they believe travel is a force for good, they take their roles seriously. They want to build great products and facilitate connections between travelers and partners that truly bring good into the world. You’ll discover a world of passionate people, all guided by an inclusive purpose: to strengthen connections, broaden horizons, and bridge divides.