What are AI skills and why do you need them?

A floating robot appears to be instructing a human sitting at a desk with a laptop. The robot gestures to a screen with charts and icons on it.

You’re sick of hearing it everywhere – artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the way people work, live, and interact with technology. For many, the rapid rise of AI brings a sense of unease. People are concerned that AI will replace their current jobs, or that learning how to use AI would be too difficult…or both. The truth is, AI isn’t likely to take your job — but people who understand how to use AI might. Embrace it or not, but the necessity of mastering AI skills will help you not only stay up-to-date with the changing workplace, but also thrive in it!

Okay okay, but it’s still overwhelming to learn AI. Is knowing how to ask ChatGPT enough? This blog post will discuss AI skills, offer some practical examples, emphasize their benefits, and (hopefully) reassure you about what your future looks like with AI.

What are AI skills and why do you need them?

Generally speaking, when we say AI skills in this blog, we mean the knowledge that allows you to understand, work with, and apply AI technologies effectively. Even more generally speaking, AI largely refers to robots and software that can simulate human intelligence by learning from data, solving problems, and performing tasks that humans have traditionally performed.

Examples of AI skills

While it’s true that you can easily fall down a rabbit hole because AI skills vary greatly depending on how in-depth you want to get, we’re going to start with some popular and essential AI skills:

  • Data analysis and machine learning: Machine learning is a basic component of AI, which is how computers learn from data without being explicitly programmed. You must be able to analyze data and understand how machine learning algorithms function to use AI efficiently.
  • Programming: The most popular programming language for AI is Python. It is simple and contains a large number of libraries (a collection of modules that can be used in a wide variety of applications) created specifically for AI tasks. Fortunately, it’s one of the most approachable programming languages and there are tons of resources on how to learn it for free!
  • Natural language processing (NLP): NLP is what helps machines understand and interact with human language. Understanding NLP (and to some degree, Large Language Models (LLMs)) tools enables you to create AI systems that understand and respond to human conversation, such as chatbots.
  • Automation tools: AI frequently includes automating monotonous operations. Knowing how to use AI-powered automation tools like RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is an important skill for streamlining workflows and increasing your productivity.
  • AI ethics and bias: Understanding the ethical implications of AI has become an increasingly crucial skill. AI ethics don’t just include the sourcing of data or even the energy use of AI tools, but also how to prevent bias and use AI systems safely and responsibly.

Why do you need AI skills?

Sold yet? AI is revolutionizing employment procedures across a ton of industries, including retail, healthcare, finance, and marketing. Mastering AI skills is critical so you can:

1. AI boosts productivity

Maybe the most immediately appealing benefit to AI is that it can handle time-consuming, repetitive activities so you can concentrate on what really matters.

  • Automating tasks: Various AI tools facilitate the automation of routine tasks like answering customer inquiries, setting up meetings, and analyzing big datasets.
  • Increased accuracy: AI reduces human errors, which increases work accuracy. Artificial Intelligence guarantees more accuracy in jobs, whether they be in customer service or data analysis. (Editor’s Note: AI isn’t 100% accurate, especially for proprietary information!)
  • Improved decision-making: Frankly, AI is faster than humans at processing data and producing insights. This supports your decision-making with data and enables you to quickly adjust to changes.

2. AI skills help you advance in your career

AI experts are already in great demand as the technology is increasingly integrated into the workplace.

  • Enhance your resume: Demonstrating your proficiency in AI through data analysis, machine learning, or using AI automation processes shows that you are ready for what lies ahead.
  • Career growth: Several companies are offering higher-paying positions to employees with an understanding of AI. You can position yourself for leadership positions, promotions, and even intriguing new career options.

Explore Upskilling in AI to learn how AI skills can shape your career.

3. AI prepares you for the future of work

By this point in the article, you’re probably feeling like AI isn’t just a fad; AI is influencing the nature of work in many industries going forward. Possessing AI skills sets you up for success in both the short and the long run.

  • AI integration across industries: AI is no longer just used in IT-related fields. It is employed in marketing to segment customers, in healthcare for diagnostic purposes, and even in education for individualized instruction. Possessing AI skills helps you remain adaptable as sectors change.
  • Pioneer new job roles: The development of AI will give rise to previously unimagined job roles. New employment options for AI specialists will include supervising AI ethics, managing AI systems, and developing AI-driven content.
  • Future-proofing your career: You can be ready for any changes in the work market by learning AI skills now. Your abilities will be in demand as more businesses use AI tools, which will help you keep up with new developments in technology.

How to learn AI skills

Although mastering AI could seem overwhelming at first, you don't need to be an expert in technology to get started. Some practical steps to start learning AI skills are:

1. Start with the basics

Start at the beginning – learn the fundamentals of artificial intelligence first. To begin, all it takes is an awareness of what artificial intelligence (AI) is and how it's used in daily work. You don’t need advanced technical skills.

  • Online courses: Online AI courses for beginners are widely accessible. There are courses available on platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare that cover anything from fundamental AI concepts to more complex machine learning techniques.
  • AI workshops and webinars: Participate in webinars or workshops intended especially for AI beginners. These training sessions provide you with practical experience by highlighting AI applications in the real world.

2. Learn Python

Like we said earlier, Python is the most popular programming language used to develop AI since it offers a large selection of libraries for AI projects and is reasonably simple to learn. Python can help you work with AI systems more effectively.

  • Coding tutorials: You can build a solid foundation in Python programming with the aid of websites such as Codecademy or freeCodeCamp.
  • AI-specific Python courses: Take classes that focus on utilizing Python for AI once you've mastered the fundamentals of the language to understand how AI systems are constructed.

3. Practice with AI tools

Utilize AI technologies in your day-to-day work to put your knowledge of AI into practice! Numerous AI platforms can assist you in becoming familiar with the technology and need little to no code or very little technical knowledge.

  • AI-powered automation tools: Explore tools that let you automate repetitive processes and workflows, such as Microsoft Power Automate and Zapier. These user-friendly tools demonstrate the useful applications of AI and are commonly employed in the workplace.
  • NLP tools: Try exploring with natural language processing resources, such as the NLP API offered by Google Cloud. Even if you don't have a strong technical background, these tools can help you grasp how AI can interpret and analyze human language.

4. Engage with AI communities

Join communities focused on AI to stay informed and make connections with other learners. This will help you find new resources for learning and maintain motivation.

  • Online forums: Sites like Reddit and Stack Overflow offer active AI communities, where you can discuss your progress, ask questions, and find helpful resources.
  • AI meetups: Join online or live meetups to network with AI professionals. These gatherings are excellent for networking and gaining inside knowledge on how to advance your AI abilities, and many of them are free to attend!

Overcoming the fear of AI

It's common to worry when implementing AI. After all, technology is now largely the driving force behind the changes in our lives and careers, right? But rather than viewing AI as a danger, consider it a potent instrument that can advance your professional development. You can approach this new technology with confidence if you know what AI skills are and how they can help you become more productive, grow in your career, and get ready for the future of work.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your career, consider enrolling in the PowerUp AI Usage course, designed to help you learn AI skills and integrate them into your daily tasks. For more insights, check out our previous post on AI skills to add to your resume.

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