Foundation 43 - Making mental health care accessible.

Foundation 43 - Making mental health care accessible.

Below is information originally published on Foundation 43 website. Go to Chubbies company page on PowerToFly to see their open positions and learn more.

Founded by the team at Chubbies, Foundation 43 is on a mission to expand access to effective mental health care and suicide prevention within historically marginalized communities, with a particular focus on funding organizations built by and for the communities they serve.

Our mission

Foundation 43 was named for our 43 facial muscles, one of many ways we convey (or conceal) our emotions. We know that mental health is more than just helping folks feel happy or relaxed - we envision a world in which everyone is free to use the 43 muscles of the face to express the full range of emotions that make us our beautiful and dynamic selves.

Today's mental health data reveals a stark reality for millions: nearly 1 in 5 adults and nearly half of all young people in the US live with a mental illness, but due to a variety of factors only half of people experiencing mental illness ever receive treatment.

We say enough is enough: Mental health care is a basic human right and everyone seeking it must have access to effective, aligned care.

Foundation 43 envisions a world in which people are free to heal in ways that resonate with each of us. We pledge to speak openly about mental health to chip away at stigma and shine a bright light on the ways in which systemic inequities like racism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexism impact wellbeing.

We're proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with our partner organizations to help shift the statistics and connect more people with lifesaving resources. Each grantee is tackling different aspects of mental health, and we're humbled to fund their community-led programs.

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