Diversity at work has never been more measured or discussed. But how can you create an environment where diverse talent can succeed?
As a company that is focused on creating opportunities for underrepresented talent, we wanted to provide companies with data-based, practical strategies to help them find, retain, and uplift diverse talent. Using our findings will help you ensure that the diverse talent already on your team wants to stay, and show diverse talent looking for new opportunities that your company is the one they should join.
To come up with those strategies, we went right to the source and conducted a survey with 490 diverse professionals across industries and career stages.
Keep reading for the four things that companies can do to improve their ability to keep their current talent and to appeal to new talent, too.
The Top 4 Things You Can Do to Attract and Retain Employees in 2022
- Be generous with compensation and learning and development offerings. 76% of diverse talent would be “very likely” to leave their job for a role that paid more, and 73% would leave for a job that offered more opportunities to learn new skills.
- Level up your DEI commitment. 69% of respondents wish their current companies would become more diverse.
- Commit to long-term flexible work. 55% of respondents wouldn’t consider staying at or accepting a job that didn’t let them work remotely at least part-time. Surprisingly, more respondents wanted to be able to flexibly schedule their 40-hour weeks than wanted a set 32-hour workweek.
- Consider intersectionality. Don’t look at employee experiences as if all employees were the same. For example, less than half as many Black respondents are happy with their company’s DEI training compared to white respondents.
Want to learn more? Read the entire What Diverse Talent Wants in 2022 report by downloading it for free here.