Meet Our Senior Recruiter, Amy

Feb. 22nd 2018

Meet Our Senior Recruiter, Amy

Mentor month may be coming to a close, but matches are still being made! If you want to be matched with the mentor/ mentee of your dreams, shoot me a message on Networks today!

If you've job hunted with us before, you've probably already spoken to her, but I had an awesome conversation with one of our Senior Recruiters, Amy, who is always going above and beyond to help women find their dream jobs on PowerToFly. She reveals how she manages to find jobs for so many women on our platform, while traveling to five states and three different country (working remotely definitely helps!) and gives her advice on being a great mentor and mentee below!

Q: Have you ever had a mentor or mentee that's made a significant impact on your career and why?

A: Too many to count! There are two who really stand out to me though-the first would be Marie-Elizabeth Oliver who is my former colleague. She taught me so much about communication and voicing your opinions strategically, both verbally and in writing. The second would be our Chief Talent Officer, and my manager, Rachel Valdez. She has shown me how to put the growth mindset into action and exudes positivity.

Q: What makes a good mentor/ mentee?

What makes a good mentor is trust and the ability to build relationships-you need to have an honest and transparent way to communicate so you can really listen to your mentee and help them problem solve. A good mentee is someone who can not only listen to constructive criticism but put it into action to continually improve.

Q: What's one piece of advice you'd give to someone looking to start a career in recruitment?

It may sound cliche, but I think being your authentic self goes the furthest when it comes to recruitment. Particularly in the technical landscape, candidates are often in such high demand they are contacted by numerous recruiters daily. It's about building rapport and trust. Sometimes, you get to give life changing good news if interviews go well, and sometimes you have to deliver bad news. A recruiter is successful if they can deliver both types and elevate the candidate on their career path regardless.

Q: You've attended a lot of our live PowerToFly events recently, what's been your favorite moment thus far?

I love getting the chance to interact with women who attend our events face to face. I think there is so much power in solidarity. You can tangibly feel the energy and excitement emanating from the room when a panel of women in executive roles discuss their own challenges in rising to the top, and how they overcame them.

Q: It seems like you love to travel! How has working remotely changed your life?

I feel so lucky to have come of age professionally at the time that technology and travel really intersected with the work environment-I didn't have to choose between a great job and seeing the world. In the past 6 months I've worked from Cape Cod, Nashville, Seattle, New York, Spain, Portugal, and now I'm back in New Orleans. Last year I worked from India for a month. It's all about delivering results no matter where you are.

Q: What tips do you have for other women looking to start a remote career?

Take advantage of your ability to be transient, but always put work first. If you want a true vacation offline, take the PTO. Otherwise, be ready to commit and manage your responsibilities in whatever time zone necessary to make your team successful. Also, time management is your best friend. You can be so much more productive and have a better work-life balance while working remotely-just communicate clearly with your team and be available via slack.

Q: What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given throughout your career?

The best piece of advice I've been given is to constantly challenge yourself. If something makes you anxious or scared, it means you're growing.

Q: What's the best piece of advice you've ever given someone throughout their career?

I always advise talents to frame negative feedback positively. If a particular role or path you wanted to follow doesn't work out, use that feedback to improve for your next opportunity. It will undoubtedly come.

Q: What motivates you to come to work every day?

I truly believe in our mission. We still have a way to go when it comes to gender equality in the workforce, and PowerToFly is contributing to getting there. It's been cool to witness the reckoning on a larger scale taking place in the US with movements like 'TimesUp' and 'MeToo' across industries as well.

Q: Why do you love networking on PowerToFly?

It's a great space to share knowledge and learn. You can speak to people globally in various industries with our networking tool, so whatever steps you are looking to take, someone will be there to give you great advice on your career.

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