7 Chat & Learns to elevate your hiring game

Discover our top-performing chats on talent acquisition

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Talent acquisition is an ever-evolving field, and staying ahead of the curve requires continuous learning and adaptation. That’s where PowerToFly comes in. Through our weekly Chat & Learn series, we bring together thought leaders in the talent acquisition sphere to offer advice on pipeline building, talent engagement, inclusive interviewing — you name it.

Over the years, we’ve hosted leaders from companies like Microsoft, Shopify, and HomeAway, all with the same goal: to help you elevate your talent acquisition processes. These sessions have been instrumental for companies striving to overcome hiring challenges, create more inclusive recruitment practices, and tap into underrepresented talent pools.

Here, we’ve gathered our top seven performing talent acquisition Chat & Learns, ever. Dive in to incorporate these insights into your own talent acquisition strategies and drive impactful change within your organization.

Inclusion in Action: How to Source Diverse Talent

Let’s start from square one: sourcing diverse talent. This discussion, featuring Shavonne Hasfal-McIntosh, inclusion & employee experience lead at Shopify, Lyndsi McNaughton, global program leader for talent attraction at HomeAway, and Katharine Zaleski, cofounder of PowerToFly, emphasizes the importance of expanding outreach beyond traditional channels.

You’ll hear practical tips for moving the needle forward on your diversity goals — from leveraging community partnerships and building an inclusive employer brand to using data-driven approaches to eliminate bias in sourcing. The discussion underscores how diverse talent pools lead to innovative teams, and that sourcing must be intentional and inclusive.

Is Your Hiring Process Inclusive Enough?


Inclusivity should be at the core of every hiring strategy, but many companies still miss the mark in their recruitment processes. With a recent Pew Research Center report showing 56% of employed U.S. adults believe increasing DEI at work is important, it’s no surprise this topic is grabbing our community’s attention.

In this conversation, Katherine McCord, people operations consultant and founder of Titan ATS, explores the key elements of a DEIB-driven hiring process that prioritizes inclusivity. She covers every step of the candidate journey, from crafting accessible job descriptions to designing inclusive interviews and onboarding experiences.

Level Up Your Succession Planning Strategy by Hiring New Grads


Are you underestimating the potential of new graduates in your workplace? Pro tip: don’t.

In this chat, Robyn Purvin, partnership manager at Turing School of Software & Design, Evan Harris, CTO at TermScout, and Mallory Hynes, talent acquisition manager at Credera, explore the benefits of hiring new graduates to fill open roles quickly and effectively while enhancing your company’s diversity and inclusion efforts.

You’ll gain strategies for recruiting and integrating new grads into your team, with practical tips on onboarding, training, and supporting their growth. Plus, get ready for one more (surprising) takeaway — new graduates lead to increased leadership opportunities for higher-level developers. Tune in to hear why and how.

Building a Diverse Remote Team


The shift to remote work has opened doors to talent from around the world, making it easier than ever to build diverse remote teams. Right? Well, it’s not that simple.

In this engaging discussion with DEI and business leaders Rachel Serwetz, Nadia Sawaya Gauckler, Stefany Jacobo, and Chelsea C. Williams, you’ll gain insider tips on how to find, nurture, and retain top talent from around the globe. Topics include overcoming challenges such as time zone differences, communication barriers, and cultural nuances while maximizing the potential of remote work to enhance diversity.

Building Diverse Talent Pipelines with Audible, Microsoft, and HomeAway

Building diverse talent pipelines isn’t just a buzzword — it’s a game-changer for any company looking to innovate and thrive in today’s competitive landscape. To equip you with the right tools, PowerToFly and Glassdoor joined forces on an insightful discussion with talent acquisition leaders from Audible, Microsoft, and HomeAway.

The panelists discuss the challenges and successes of their respective diversity initiatives, emphasizing the need for deliberate actions and commitment at all levels of the organization. Tune in for a blueprint on how to not only fill roles but build a future-ready workforce that’s as diverse as your vision.

Attracting, Hiring, and Retaining Top Sales Talent


One of our most watched chats ever, this session on attracting, hiring, and retaining top sales talent is a hit with companies eager to level up their sales teams.

Hosted by PowerToFly’s very own Lex Keaton, this conversation delves into why diverse sales teams are game-changers, bringing fresh perspectives, creative problem-solving, and unmatched innovation to the table. You’ll learn how to build and nurture a standout sales force that drives revenue and fuels business success.

A Diverse Workforce Requires a Diverse Pipeline: The PhD Project’s Impact on Academia


When Paquita Davis-Friday joined a “Big 8” accounting firm in Detroit in 1991, there was only one Black female partner among nearly 1,000 professionals, and she worked in tax, not audit.

Seeing few role models, Paquita initially doubted she would stay long. Encouraged by two professors to pursue a PhD, her journey took a pivotal turn when The PhD Project launched during her third year, providing the network and support she needed to succeed. In 1994, she was one of 175 minority doctoral students in business schools across the country; today, she stands among 1,346 minority faculty shaping the future of academia.

This conversation centers on creating pathways for diverse talent to enter academia and leadership roles. You’ll understand the link between diverse education and diverse professionals, including how a PhD can positively impact one’s career.

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