Identifying ERG Leadership Style

Identifying ERG Leadership Style

During this session, we will learn:

  • How to tap into your intrinsic motivation as an ERG lead
  • Ways to navigate expectation management for sustainable change
  • Tactical steps to champion for all voices while aligning with business initiatives

🗣️Meet the Trainer

📝To Complete Before The Training

Please read this articleto start reflecting on how to create your own personal mission statement.

Reflect on these questions:

  • What drives you, or motivates you to be an effective ERG leader?
  • What impact do you want to have in your leadership role?

📽️ Access the Recording

📚 To Complete After The Training

PowerToFly team would like to share this workbook so we can evolve and implement on what you learned during the training.


Please we kindly ask you to fill out the post-survey. We value every single comment, and will use it to keep improving.