Work at Aurora Solar - Recruiter insights!

Check this recruiter insights and work at Aurora Solar!

Discover insider tips from a recruiter on landing your dream job at Aurora Solar! 🌞 In this video, you’ll learn what it’s like to work at Aurora Solar while debunking some common misconceptions about the interview process.

🎥 Want an inside peek?

Meet Courtney McDonough, recruiting manager at Aurora Solar 🌟 She reveals behind-the-scenes insights and expert advice on securing a role at this innovative green tech company. If you’d like to work at Aurora Solar, make sure you watch until the end to boost your chances of success! 💼

Not sure if finding work in green tech is right for you? At Aurora Solar, they're not just looking for experts in the solar industry. 🌱 The team values enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. Courtney walks you through the company’s thorough yet respectful interview process, including the recruiter phone screen, hiring manager interview, and behavioral style panel. 🎙️ Plus, you’ll learn why meeting 100% of job requirements isn't necessary — it's all about showing employers how you can add value! 💡

In this video, you’ll also hear about what the journey to working at Aurora Solar involves. For example, during the interview process at Aurora Solar, you can expect a thorough yet respectful journey aimed at assessing your potential fit within the company. 🔄 From the initial recruiter phone screen to the behavioral style panel interview, each stage will offer you a unique opportunity to showcase your skills and experiences. 🌟 Alongside evaluating technical competencies, Aurora Solar also places importance on understanding how candidates approach challenges, work within teams, and align with the company's mission-driven culture. 🚀

Work at Aurora Solar - Diversity, collaboration, and impact

The company culture at Aurora Solar is all about diversity, collaboration, and impact. 💚 If you join the team, you’ll find that openness and idea-sharing are encouraged, while making a positive impact on the planet is at the core of everything you do. 🌍 Don't miss out on the chance to be part of something meaningful!

If it sounds like finding work at Aurora Solar is up your alley, make sure to check out their open positions! Click here.

Get to know Courtney McDonough

Courtney recently joined Aurora Solar, where she’s leading the Tech Talent Acquisition team, and she’s excited to be part of an organization with an incredible product, that truly lives its mission and values. Aurora Solar is hiring amazing talent in Engineering, Product, and Design. Courtney is looking to hire smart, mission-driven individuals who can leave their ego at the door and are motivated by building amazing products. If you are interested in a career at Aurora Solar, you can connect with Courtney McDonough on LinkedIn: Don’t forget to mention this video!

More about Aurora Solar

A fast-growing Series D company, Aurora is disrupting the clean energy industry and changing the course of history with their award-winning, industry-leading software. This software doesn’t just design millions of solar projects, but designs a better tomorrow, empowering solar companies to sell, design, and install residential and commercial solar arrays accurately, seamlessly, and at scale. It’s their goal to have every solar installation in the world pass through their software, and they’ve got a stellar team that’s helping them get there. Aurora Solar was named one of “The Best Mid-Sized Remote Companies To Work for in 2023” by and has been awarded the #1 Solar Software platform by Solar Power World. As they continue to build, they need even more passionate, skilled, and, well-energized people on board. To date, over 10 million solar projects have been designed with Aurora's platform globally. And they're just getting started!

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