Beyond the Rainbow: How to be a Meaningful LGBTQIA+ Ally

Beyond the Rainbow: How to be a Meaningful LGBTQIA+ Ally

CIM Group in partnership with PowerToFly hosted a courageous conversation focused on “Beyond the Rainbow: How to be a Meaningful LGBTQIA+ Ally” where speakers shared their expertise and insights on how we can better support our LGBTQIA+ colleagues in the workplace.

In the spirit of continued learning, we're sharing access to the Courageous Conversation so that you can watch it on your own time and learn more from our subject matter expert.

📝Key Takeaways

After watching the session, you will gain the following insights and actionable steps:

  • Being an ally is not an identity, but an action that requires continuous work.

Actionable step: Challenge yourself to have conversations with people from different backgrounds and actively listen to understand their experiences.

  • We all have unconscious biases formed through our experiences and societal influences. These can impact how we treat others, even unintentionally.

Actionable step: Seek out new experiences and perspectives to help identify and address your own unconscious biases. Be open to feedback and willing to change your viewpoints.

  • Every time a person from the LGBTQIA+ community starts a new job or meets a new person, they are coming out over and over again.

Actionable step: Look for ways to make inclusion part of everyday practices in your workplace. This could include using inclusive language, challenging exclusive behaviors when you see them, and actively supporting employee resource groups.

🗣️About Our Subject Matter Expert

📽️ Access the Recording

📊 What Comes Next?

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