Pride Month

Pride Month

In honor of Pride Month, Noom in partnership with PowerToFly hosted a courageous conversation focused on “Pride” where speakers shared their expertise and insights on how we can better support our LGBTQIA+ colleagues in the workplace.

In the spirit of continued learning, we're sharing access to the Courageous Conversation so that you can watch it on your own time and learn more from our subject matter expert.

📝Key Takeaways

After watching the session, you will gain the following insights and actionable steps:

  • The importance of authenticity and bringing your whole self to work: Mishon emphasized the mental and physical toll of having to hide or suppress parts of your identity. She highlighted the value of feeling safe and supported to be your true self at work.
    • Action item: Reflect on ways you can bring more of your authentic self to your workplace.
  • The role of active allyship and concrete actions: Mishon provided specific examples of how managers and colleagues can go beyond just claiming to be an ally. She outlined tangible ways they can actively support and advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community.
    • Action item: Identify concrete steps you can take to be a more active ally at work.
  • Balancing celebrating progress with acknowledging ongoing challenges: Mishon highlighted disturbing statistics around hate crimes and anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation. She reminded us that Pride is rooted in a history of rebellion, and there is still a continued need to defend the right to exist freely and without persecution.
    • Action item: Research ways you can support the ongoing fight for LGBTQIA+ equality.

🗣️About Our Subject Matter Expert

📽️ Access the Recording

📊 What Comes Next?

After watching the recording, please take a few minutes to complete our FEEDBACK SURVEY.

Your insights will help us enhance future Courageous Conversations.

📚 Resources