Yelp Inc.

Working Remotely at Yelp

Originally posted by in 2021.

You may have questions regarding remote onboarding, work and culture at Yelp. We compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions and answers to help. If you have other questions, please reach out to your recruiter for further clarification.

Remote Work

What is Yelp's stance on working remotely post-pandemic?

As we make plans to safely reopen our offices this year, we will continue to grow and expand our distributed workforce in 2021 and beyond. Our hybrid model will allow eligible employees and new hires to work remotely ful-time going forward. You will not be required to come to the office unless your role is office-based (e.g. onsite Helpdesk support, Workplace facilities, etc.) or if your visa requires it. Feel free to ask your recruiter what the expectations are for your specific role. Can I permanently move anywhere while working remotely full-time?

Our hybrid model provides greater flexibility for employees to live and work from many locations. While we are flexible, you must live in the country where your role is located and in a time zone that is suitable for your team. If you plan on moving in the near future, please inform your recruiter.

Yelp Offices and Planning for the Future

What is Yelp's stance on working remotely post-pandemic?

We plan to maintain our presence in the locations where we currently have offices, but with a significant portion of our team working remotely on a ful-time basis or coming into the office only a few days a week. Our vision is to create a flexible in-person office environment that invites collabo­ ration, creativity, coffee chats and hallway conversations. There will be no permanent desk assign­ ments-instead, Yelpers will be able to reserve a desk on days they choose to work from the office.

Will I be able to work from a Yelp office if I want to in the future?

Once our offices have safely reopened, and to the extent that space is available, you are welcome to work out of a Yelp office.

What to Expect When Working Remotely

What are Yelp's guidelines around working remotely?

Remote working at Yelp provides flexibility to work outside of a traditional office environment while maintaining the same level of productivity. Yelp has clear policies and guidelines to ensure you're set up for success. In general, Yelp requires you to work in accordance with your local labor laws, on an agreed upon schedule with your manager, and in a designated workspace within your home that is safe, free of distraction and where you can securely store your Yelp-issued equipment and confidential company information.

Does being a remote employee reduce my chance for professional development and growth?

No. Equity for our employees will stay top-of-mind as we transition to a hybrid working model. Our goal is to ensure fairness for all our employees-regardless of whether they're in the office or remote. You will receive the same support, benefits, and resources as if you were in the office. Yelp's leadership team is committed to ensuring that there is equity in opportunities for career advancement for employees working remotely and in our offices. Yelp also addressed this in a recent blog post regarding the future of work at Yelp.

How does Yelp make sure remote employees stay engaged and connected?

There are many opportunities for you to stay engaged while working remotely at Yelp. In addition to providing a variety of communication tools and channels that help Yelpers connect with each other, we also believe it's important to be able to connect with each other outside of work-related topics and have informal chats and social events to balance work and build stronger relationships.

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