We've all heard the saying that people quit bosses, not jobs.
But whether you've got a good boss, a bad boss, a toxic boss, or a moderately incompetent boss, you can't go wrong by scrolling through some manager memes to remind yourself that you're not alone. We all deal with difficult bosses in our careers, and sometimes we even are the difficult bosses. Why not learn to laugh at ourselves?
So check out these funny boss memes and bring on the cathartic LOLs. Just don't let your bad/annoying/micromanaging boss catch you laughing at these at work!
20 funny boss memes
1. That boss who's more of a numbers person than a people person...
Don't take it personally, they're probably not being a jerk on purpose... but if you get the chance, try talking to them about their behavior and how it makes you feel. Open communication can help ease the tension.
2. That sexist boss who doesn't even realize he's sexist.
Few things hurt as much as not getting credit for your ideas. Especially when a guy literally just repeats it and runs away with the credit. Need help dealing with these kinds of microaggressions? We've got you covered.
3. The boss who has selective vision.
We all want to feel validated at work. Check out some of our tips from getting the validation you need from your boss and managing up.
4. The boss who's always saying no.
Who doesn't want more money? If you feel like you're not being paid what you're worth, but your boss isn't taking your subtle hints and/or has already outright rejected your request, check out these tips for making your case!
5. The boss who makes you so sick of work that you call out sick.
If you're feeling burnt out and looking for any excuse not to go into work, it might be time to search for a new job or consider a career break.
6. That boss who has no concept of time.
Nobody wants to be stuck at the office on Friday evening. Ever considered giving remote work a try?
7. The boss who doesn't really know what they're doing.
Can't handle the frustration anymore of working for someone who doesn't know what they're doing? Check out this chat.
9. The boss who thinks their time is more valuable than yours.
If you like to argue technicalities, you might be quick to point out that your boss's time is likely more valuable than yours... but regardless of what their hourly rate is, constantly being late is seriously disrespectful. If your boss continually blows you off, you might be dealing with a toxic boss — learn how to deal with the situation here.
10. The annoying boss who's even more annoying when they're right.
Bosses can drive us nuts, but just 'cause somebody's annoying doesn't mean you can't learn from them. It's all about mindset.
11. The boss who takes credit for your ideas.
Just not cool.
12. The boss who's dealing with a lot more than you realized.
It's easy to think your boss does nothing all day until they go on vacation and put you in charge...
13. The boss who doesn't realize they've got an anger management problem.
Constant yelling is another sign of a toxic boss. Learn what you can do to deal with the situation.
14. The boss who's always asking you to work overtime.
Weird, you didn't remember including "contortionist" on your resume's skills section.
15. The boss who doesn't own their mistakes.
A tough choice for them to labor over, we're sure.
16. The boss who never answers your emails.Â
The arguably just-as-annoying opposite of the micromanaging boss is the overly absentee boss.
17. That boss that always "really needs this by tomorrow."
Them: "You don't have plans tonight, right? Great!"
18. That boss who really doesn't pay you enough.
Seems like an even exchange!
19. The boss who showed up to work not one minute too soon.
Honestly, an incredible feeling.
20. The boss who likes to reward hard work in the least ideal way.
"Thanks for the good performance review! I'd like more money now! ....No more money now? Just more responsibilities? I guess that works, too."
21. The boss who only notices the clock in one direction.
A totally helpful way of observing time!
22. The boss who thinks you're Superman...
.... but only when it comes to getting to work no matter what accident/storm system/serious illness stands in your way.
23. The boss who has an interesting definition of "workplace flexibility."
Meanwhile, you'll find them working when it makes sense for them to be working.
24. The chipper boss who thinks things are actually going well.
"Everything, clearly, is going great! Go, company, go!"
25. The boss who acts casual and flexible when actually nothing about them is casual and flexible.
This is probably the same boss who asks for a bajillion "status updates" weeks before something is due.
26. The boss who's ready to hop onto the shorter work week train.
...... wait. No. Not like that!
27. The "ideas" boss.Â
Which usually just translates to ideas for new, totally essentially tasks for you personally to take on.
28. That boss you can't help feeling bad for... 'cause you can kinda relate.
Join the club, buddy.
29. And finally, that boss who's supportive, inspiring, and super good at what they do.
It's fun to complain about bad bosses. But we've gotta give credit where credit is due — some bosses go above and beyond, and it's thanks to their mentorship that we learn, grow, and fall in love with our work. So here's to all the great bosses (who may occasionally have not-so-great moments, because we're #onlyhuman). Thanks for all you do!
And if you're just downright tired of your boss
Check out our job board with 30,000+ open roles and apply today!
- 1. That boss who's more of a numbers person than a people person...
- 2. That sexist boss who doesn't even realize he's sexist.
- 3. The boss who has selective vision.
- 4. The boss who's always saying no.
- 5. The boss who makes you so sick of work that you call out sick.
- 6. That boss who has no concept of time.
- 7. The boss who doesn't really know what they're doing.
- 8. The boss who doesn't know how to take responsibility.
- 9. The boss who thinks their time is more valuable than yours.
- 10. The annoying boss who's even more annoying when they're right.
- 11. The boss who takes credit for your ideas.
- 12. The boss who's dealing with a lot more than you realized.
- 13. The boss who doesn't realize they've got an anger management problem.
- 14. The boss who's always asking you to work overtime.
- 15. The boss who doesn't own their mistakes.
- 16. The boss who never answers your emails.Â
- 17. That boss that always "really needs this by tomorrow."
- 18. That boss who really doesn't pay you enough.
- 19. The boss who showed up to work not one minute too soon.
- 20. The boss who likes to reward hard work in the least ideal way.
- 21. The boss who only notices the clock in one direction.
- 22. The boss who thinks you're Superman...
- 23. The boss who has an interesting definition of "workplace flexibility."
- 24. The chipper boss who thinks things are actually going well.
- 25. The boss who acts casual and flexible when actually nothing about them is casual and flexible.
- 26. The boss who's ready to hop onto the shorter work week train.
- 27. The "ideas" boss.Â
- 28. That boss you can't help feeling bad for... 'cause you can kinda relate.
- 29. And finally, that boss who's supportive, inspiring, and super good at what they do.